Kichwa Maijuna Conservation Area in Loreto Is Made Official

The Executive Branch issued Supreme Decree No. 008-2015 of the Ministry of Environment official the creation of the Regional Conservation Area Maijuna Kichwa. This comes after representatives of native communities in the basin of the Napo River in Loreto, announced that they would sue the government for the delay in the enactment, which has already waited for two years.


New Regional Conservation Area Maijuna Kichwa

Kichwa Maijuna Conservation Area Photo Andina

According to the decree, the area covers an area of 391,039 hectares with 8,200 square meters. It is located in the Putumayo, Napo, Mazán and Amazons districts in the province of Maynas; Pevas well as in the province of Mariscal Ramón Castilla.

The rule states that the objective of the Regional Conservation Area Maijuna Kichwa is to preserve existing ecosystems, especially the high terraces and heads of bodies of water, ensuring the supply of natural resources, water and other ecosystem services to local people.

It also seeks to preserve the ‘healthy’ populations of forest species, wildlife and fish stocks, social and commercial importance for local people. Another objective is to contribute to the preservation of culture and identity Maijuna and Kichwa ethnic group.

Regional conservation area is managed and fully funded by the Regional Government of Loreto budget, according to the standard. The National Service of Protected Natural Areas by the State (Sernanp) ensure supervision and technical assistance as well as training of personnel designated by the regional government for the administration of the area.

The decree requires that within the area of conservation, the use of renewable natural resources, except for timber harvesting afforestation, is preferably allowed by the nearby rural communities that have done a proven traditional use them either for cultural purposes or subsistence, as established by the Law of Natural Protected Areas and other standards.

The process for creating the Regional Conservation Area Maijuna Kichwa started in 2004 by an initiative of the Maijuna community and culminated with the completion of the first consultation in Peru, developed in 2013.

Via El Comercio Peru (Google Translate with Authors Corrections for clarity)

©2015 Ben Gangloff

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