
Sign up for our email list and get our free preview eBook “Real People, Really Good Coffee*,” as well as coupons good for bonus coffee! You need more coffee!

Real People, Really Good Coffee” chronicles the people behind the Peruvian coffee in your cup. From farm to ship, from Peru to your breakfast table, join us for the adventure of a lifetime. Includes interviews with real coffee professionals, growers and much much more. This eBook will be an ongoing process, chapters will be added over the next year & then the full book will be released to the public. You can be the first to share in this epic journey to the roots of your coffee. (And help us catch any typos if you’re so inclined!) Your participation will also help to hold me accountable to finish this interesting and important project.

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* eBook preview release date 1/15/2015

Real Farmers, Really Good Coffee, Direct to Your Cup