Tag Archives: charles hugh smith

Charles Hugh Smith-How Healthcare Is Dooming the U.S. Economy (Three Charts)


Charles Hugh Smith is one of todays most prophetic and insightful writers. He often writes on the theme of our current healthcare system. His latest post is a home run, Please read the following excerpt, and click on the article source for the full article with charts:

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What If You Could Save $10,000?

What if you could save $10,000? It’s a lot of money, a house in some places today in the US. It’s a hell of a vacation, it’s a decent used car, that boat you’ve had your eye on, a start on that cabin you’ve dreamed of, or your own small business. Whatever it could represent in your life, did you want it to go to an insurance company instead of your pocket? As Healthcare/Sickcare costs rise each year, many will opt to travel abroad to save thousands rather than fork it over to pay inflated medical costs.
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