Tag Archives: peru

Tbt: Old Peru

Peru has some of the highest train routes in the world that traverse the mighty Andes. Here’s a look back:

Ferro CArril Central del PerĂ¹. Puente da Vitas.
Central Rail, Peru )photo : Cardcow)

Machu Picchu Monday

It’s very Monday here, as we keep working on the building that we bought in Tarapoto. I’m working on before and after shots to show the progress. We’ve been slaving for weeks, but the place is looking good!

More of the amazing stone walls still standing at Machu Picchu

Tbt: Old Peru

The Port of Callao is the largest in Peru, close to Lima, the Capital. Here’s a look back before it was modernized:

Small craft in the Port of Callao, near Lima, Peru (Photo : Cardcow)

Links: 7/27/2017

We’re enjoying the Fiestas Patrias (Patriot Days) here in lovely Tarapoto. For more on Tarapoto, see this link here.

For your weekend pleasure, here’s a few links:

Links: 7/27/17

Tips for visiting coffee farms and mills

Coffee extraction and brewing concepts for terrific home brewed coffee

Drinking three cups of coffee makes you less likely to die from many diseases

2017 Aeropress Championships

Pygmy goat steals the show as coffee shop mascot

World record breaking catfish caught

Bear breaks into sleeping boys bedroom:

Bonus pic – Christmas in July:

Plaza de Armas, Tarapoto, Peru Christmas 2016