Sierra del Divisor: 5 keys behind creating a new national park in Peru

Peru has just created a huge new National Park in the Amazon region of Ucayali.

Via El Comercio Peru (Translating via Google Translate with author’s corrections for clarity.)

The new Divisor National Park is a mountain resort located in the Amazonian lowlands, in a territory of 1,354,485 hectares (3,347,005 acres) corresponding to the territory of Ucayali and Loreto.

According to the National Service of Protected Natural Areas by the State (Sernanp), the Sierra del Divisor is geologically one of the oldest areas of the Amazon and has spectacular landscapes and is very inaccessible.

Another interesting observation point is that in the area there are species that only exist there. Its importance has meant that, finally, the Government has determined that Divisor pass be reserved as a national park.

The 5 Keys:

  1. Divisor is one of the largest National Parks in Peru, because from now on it preserves more than 1,354,485 hectares (3,347,005 acres) of the Peruvian Amazon.
  2. The Sierra del Divisor National Park is now part of a vast biological conservation corridor along the Serra do Divisor National Park, located in Brazil.
  3. The categorization process had the strong support of local indigenous communities that adopted the consultation and were part of the discussions.
  4. In addition to ensuring the conservation of natural resources for the benefit of local people, the Sierra del Divisor National Park is also home to indigenous populations in isolation.
  5. As a national park, Sierra del Divisor may face illegal activities that may endanger their conservation, such as illegal logging, illicit cultivation of coca and construction of unauthorized roads. To avoid this, there is  a Master Plan, a Management Committee, and an appropriate zoning plan.


In addition to ensuring the conservation of natural resources for the benefit of local people, the Sierra del Divisor National Park is also home to indigenous populations in isolation (Photo:Sernanp)


Sierra del Divisor National Park (Photo ; Sernanp)

Protecting this amazingly diverse ecosystem is not only important for preserving existing species, it also guards important rain forest areas vital to the Amazon watershed.

Indigenous textiles (Photo ; Sernanp)

Full article here. (Spanish)