US is Largest Consumer of Peruvian Quinoa


The Lima Chamber of Commerce recorded a six-fold expansion of the crop. (Photo: Andina/Melina Mejia)

6 Fold Increase in Production

From Peru This Week:

Growth in the quinoa market increased from 8 new markets in 2013 to 18 new markets in 2014. These markets include major importers such as Poland, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, China, and later Malaysia, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Romania and Portugal in 2014.

According to Carlos Garcia, manager of CCEX, the main market for Peruvian quinoa above all is the United States.

Of the varieties of quinoa, white quinoa is the most commonly exported making up 85%, followed by red quinoa at 10%.

In 2014, quinoa finished fourth in major agricultural products exported after grapes, asparagus, and avocados.

Prices Rising Rapidly Due to High Demand

Along with the exponential growth of in the market in the last two years, the cost of quinoa rose 50%. In 2012 the price per kilogram was US$ 3.70 and then later rose to US$ 4.30 in 2013 and finally to US$ 5.60 last year.

In January of this year Peru was announced the top producer of quinoa, much to the concern of Bolivia. Disputes over last year’s production thus remain a tense subject between the two countries.

via Peruvian quinoa production expanded six times in last 2 years – Peru this Week.

The healthy grain is enjoying tremendous popularity world-wide. As more is produced, hopefully the price will return to more affordable levels. Many local producers have been selling rather than consuming any part of the crop themselves.

© 2015 Ben Gangloff

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