All posts by admin

Machu Picchu Monday

It’s finally the trip! We left Las Vegas Tuesday on the 1:30 am red-eye flight to Panama. It’s not much for getting restful sleep, but it’s less than 12 hours, so quick. The airport isn’t very busy at that hour, so things move along fairly well, and Las Vegas may be the most efficient airport in the world anyway.

We arrived in Lima, and spent the afternoon resting until our group arrived at 11:45 pm. After meeting them, we all headed for bed.

On Wednesday, we flew to Cuzco on separate flights, and then connected in front of the airport. We then jumped into our rented van, and headed for Urubamba, where we would spend the next two nights at the Tierra Viva Lodge, a rather nice spot outside of the city, and very quiet and peaceful. Surrounded by the steep mountains above, it’s truly breathtaking.

We ate both nights at the restaurant, and the food was just marvelous. (To be continued…)

Tbt: Old Peru

It’s a busy time as we get ready for our trip next month back to Machu Picchu. Can’t wait! Meanwhile our workload has exceeded our capacity to maintain let alone get ready, so posts may be a little sporadic for the next several weeks…

Here’s a classic…

El Anciano (The ancient one)

How To Make Barista-Quality Espresso at Home | Perfect Daily Grind

So, you love sipping on a delicious espresso, latte, or flat white at your favorite coffee shop, but wish you could have that same great coffee at home. Well then, this article is for you! Kim Ossenblok and Danilo Lodi are both coffee ambassadors at the Italian espresso machine manufacturer Dalla Corte.

They agreed to share with me their advice for brewing barista-quality espresso at home. Preparing good espresso doesn’t have to be as complicated as you might think. With the correct equipment and a little bit of know-how, you’ll soon be pulling great shots in the comfort of your own kitchen.

Source: How To Make Barista-Quality Espresso at Home | Perfect Daily Grind

Tbt: Old Peru

We’re back this week, after a death in the family. It was my father who was robbed of life some years ago, slipping into that silent death, dementia. On the bright side, my mother is talking about travel and doing things again, so it’s a rebirth of sorts all at the same time.

Life and death are parts of the natural order. I’m at the age where one reflects on their life, especially as one hears of friends diagnosed with cancer, or passing in an instant. It’s amazing to me that we can marvel and still reach back in time and other lives through preserved works like those found at the Museo Larco in Lima. Truly a treasure of delights…

Pitcher Museo Larco Peru
Sculpture Museo Larco Peru
Another vintage ceramic piece from the Museo Larco in Lima, Peru.



Machu Picchu Monday

Ah, Monday, Monday can’t trust that day. So went the old song, but it’s true. One never knows what surprises have lain dormant over the weekend, just waiting to swoop in. May your Monday be tranquil, here’s a few shots to help:

Llamas at Machu Picchu, Peru
Terraces at Machu Picchu
Lovely views at Machu Picchu, Peru

Tbt: Old Peru

Here’s a view of the past (although probably not too different today.) Cerro de Pasco is over 14,000 feet in elevation and is a barren high windswept area. Life is hard here, and the people are a hardy lot. (Postcard images via

Machu Picchu Monday

Happy Labor day to all, may you and yours have a happy, safe, and blessed weekend.

Well, it’s just weeks away to our trip to Machu Picchu and our first time playing tour guide. We have all of our plans, tickets, and reservations, now we just have to go!

Lovely views at Machu Picchu, Peru