Category Archives: Peru

100,000 Medical Tourists in a Month

Here in the US, it’s not uncommon to hear of friends or neighbors who
travel to Mexico for dental work because of the good care, but more importantly
the lower cost & cash payment vs fighting with insurance companies.

It appears that we’re not the only ones to see a difference in costs between
our country & a neighbor. Chileans are traveling to Peru for medical care, and
in spite of being charged a higher rate because of being foreigners, it’s still
less than the cost in Chile.

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Saving Money on Healthcare in Peru

In the summer of 2010 I herniated a disc in my back, and after 4 painful months of denial & fear, I finally went to see a local doctor. It wasn’t that I don’t like doctors, or that I thought that it would just heal naturally, but rather the worry of how to pay for it kept me away. You see, I had a crappy high deductible ($5,000) health insurance policy, and I knew that an MRI would likely run between $3,000-$5,000 thus would have to be paid out of pocket. Our business had experienced a huge drop off after the 2008 economic crisis & that was a lot of money in the moment. (Still is!) Here’s how I saved a bundle & a list of expenses.

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